
Environmental policy


Medidas tomadas por FICMEC 2021 para mayor seguridad del público, con la prioridad de atender los requerimientos sanitarios establecidos por las autoridades en la fecha de su celebración.


  • Actividades al aire libre: toda la programación del festival se realizará en espacios abiertos
  • Reducción de aforos: El aforo de los espacios del festival, para todas sus actividades, se reducen en un 70% de su capacidad habitual.
  •  Disminución del número de proyecciones: Se reduce el número de secciones, para permitir accesos más ordenados y tener suficiente tiempo para el desalojo.
  • Desinfección de los lugares de programación: Velamos por su seguridad, antes de cada proyección limpiamos y desinfectamos el mobiliario.
  • Uso obligatorio de la mascarilla en todo momento y debidamente colocada.
  • Programación online: FICMEC no concibe la programación de su festival de cine de manera online, además entiende que genera un perjuicio a las películas seleccionadas.
  • Venta anticipada presencial y online (acceda a través de este enlace) y numerada de entradas para evitar contagios y favorecer la trazabilidad, la posibilidad de identificar y seguir el rastro en caso de registrarse un positivo. El precio de la entrada es de dos euros (lo que se recaude, como cada año se destinará a una causa medioambiental). Algunas secciones serán gratuitas, pero se debe retirar la entrada previamente. Las entradas se pondrán a la venta 48h antes de cada sección.
  • Acceso a las secciones: nuestro personal en el control de acceso le proporcionará gel hidroalcohólico ecológico, le hará la toma de temperatura (En caso de detectarse en un espectador una temperatura superior a 37,5 se impedirá su acceso al recinto), y le acomodará manteniendo la debida distancia de seguridad de 1,5 metros. Una vez terminada la proyección, la salida será  escalonada.


Por favor, coopere en el cumplimiento de las medidas y atienda en todo momento a las recomendaciones del personal de Festival de Cine Medioambiental de Canarias


The Festival de Cine Medioambiental de Canarias (Canary Islands Environmental Film Festival) was created within an ideological framework that stems from the relationship between human beings and the environment in which they live.

This festival takes up the witness of the one that was held in Puerto de la Cruz in the 80s and pioneered the subject matter of ecological awareness. Today its aim is to fully integrate into a contemporary perspective and to do so in a useful and provocative manner. Its essential thematic axis is ecology, one of the most exciting and necessary discussions in these early stages of the new century.

FICMEC aims to reinforce the belief in “sensibility towards nature” that is so present in contemporary thought, seeking to make people aware of the importance of ecology and of human beings’ impact on the environment. The issue here is to also do this in the Canary Islands and have it be “from” the Canaries: an island territory that is in the path of all of today’s great routes of information, commerce, tourism, transport of goods, population migrations, and cultural exchange. This territory’s fragility and natural riches become additional arguments that bring need and urgency to the act of thinking coherently and comprehensively about ecology and its actions.

It is because of this responsibility that the festival has made a commitment to continuous improvement and an ongoing preemptive spirit, and does so through the implementation of an Environmental Management System based on the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 Standard, oriented towards compliance with the following environmental principles:


Lighting and energy consumption
Light wattage will be limited. We use energy-efficient lighting to reduce electricity costs.
We will only make use of lighting from 9pm to midnight, as light pollution alters habitats, biological cycles and has negative repercussions on the life of animals, according to studies by the World Health Organization.

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Noise pollution prevention
Involves controlling decibels and respecting neighbors’ hours of rest. The festival program will end at midnight. Per the UN, noise pollution generates problems to the physical and mental wellbeing of people and animals.

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Reduction of paper consumption
Achieved through social networks and the web. All of our information is available online. It can be found on our social media accounts and on our website. Our paper products are manufactured using recycled materials.

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4 Packaging consumption reduction- “FICMEC packaging”.
A portion of the money raised is used to alleviate our carbon footprint. There is no need to consume more plastic when drinking. We will provide you with a container that you can use as many times as you want and that you can take home with you. A percentage of what you pay for it will go towards alleviating the carbon footprint that we generate during FICMEC. This way, we can pay the planet back for everything it gifts us

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Selective waste collection
At our festival you are able to recycle — we provide separate collection containers. In addition to these, we also have a small-scale waste disposal site.


Decoration via reused materials
We use materials that have already been used in previous editions of the festival or that can be used in the future ones. The aim is to reuse all decorative materials.

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Shared transport
We get around in shared cars. Our guests do not usually travel alone from the airport to Garachico. We always try to have flights arrive around the same time to reduce trips, save gas, and reduce pollution.

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Use of sustainable transport
Public transport, bicycles, and other alternative means of getting around. We facilitate sustainable transport. TITSA will reinforce the lines that connect to Garachico so that you can move in an environmentally-friendly manner. We will also provide space for your bicycles.

Icono Garachico

Garachico and Buenavista Stage
Use of existing resources without creating new ones. We have naturally-occurring stages that make it easy for the event to take place in an organic way. We will not need to install large structures that saturate the spaces of Garachico and Buenavista.

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An establishment in which only organic products are consumed
In FICMEC you can purchase anything you need, but our establishment only has organic products.

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Merch made from environmentally friendly materials
Our t-shirts and bags are made from environmentally friendly materials. If you buy a FICMEC t-shirt from FICMEC, you will be paying for quality and commitment.

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Staff training
Our staff is aware of our planet’s problems and that is why they are trained in sustainability.


Festival fundraising
Destined to an environmental cause. Seeing good quality films is cheap at FICMEC. On top of that, the proceeds will be donated to an environmental cause.


Parque Nacional de Virunga
en la República Democrática del Congo, último refugio de los gorilas de montaña.

Proyecto de creación de un santuario marino para las ballenas en Fuerteventura y Lanzarote.

Fundacion de Derechos Humanos TIAM
destacada por la lucha del Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku, en la Amazonia de Ecuador, contra empresas internacionales de explotación petrolera.

Proyecto SW/Niger Delta Forest,
iniciativa que promueve la conservación en unas 500.000 hectáreas de hábitat salvaje de ecosistemas forales amenazados al sur de Nigeria.

Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH)
organización hondureña fundada por Berta Cáceres dedicada a la defensa del medioambiente y de la cultura lenca en Intibucá.

Proyecto “Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT)”
que promueve la justicia social, económica y medioambiental en la cuenca del Lago Turkana, Kenya.

Proyecto de la activista Ati Quigua
sobre sostenibilidad alimentaria en el pueblo Arhuaco de Colombia.

iniciativa ecológica de educación y reciclaje en zonas rurales de Madagascar.