Aborá Cel


ABORÁ CEL brings us a show that fuses styles like pop, flamenco, gypsy jazz, Latin American music, and Balkan sounds. They offer a repertoire of their own songs, as well as versions in various languages (French, English, Spanish, Albanian, Caló and Hindi), underscoring the richness of cultural diversity that is the backbone of their output. Their work is nourished by musical experiences shared with all kinds of people in different countries, such as India, Cuba, Uganda, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria.

This is a show that arouses our awareness of the degradation to which we subject our planet, our mountains, and ecosystems… even the heartbeats of our own lives.

Aborá Cel share their eclectic repertoire, songs with history that also make history, and are loaded with an important message about the struggle for the care of our planet, equality, and social justice for marginalized populations and/or ethnic groups.



The word bernegal has two meanings, both of which refer to a drinking vessel: it is either a wide-mouthed cup, or or a vessel for distilling.
The bernegal is often found in primitive Canary Island pottery displays, a large vessel or small jar that collects water distilled by a filter. In much the same way, this music space, poetically named BERNEGAL, different sounds are received to generate new flavors of music.
In this way, setting out from different musical disciplines, BERNEGAL creates a space of convergence and symbiosis from which a pure and fresh sound is born.
The production of this event is managed by the Ben-Gara Cultural Association and the Garachico Musical Group, with their respective Musical Directors being Felipe Baute (Ben-Gara) and Antonio Gutiérrez (Garachico Musical Group). The Director of the dance group at Ben-Gara is Carlos González, with contemporary dancers Borja Carballo and Lucía Álvarez.

The Greatest Blunder



This FICMEC edition, the Chamber Choir of Garachico will take a stroll through the lyrical universe of Pedro García Cabrera, a poet of nature and the sea, of love as a primordial force, of social commitment. This will come to life through El Mayor Desatino (The Greatest Blunder), one of the poems authored by this Canarian cultural icon.

The fields are in mourning
Not even onions can muster a mood
lettuce cannot curl
onions cannot but cry
among weeds preparing for burial
and rootstalks and sweats.
The Antis abound. Antihorseraddish
gripping at their anti-green leaves,
antibodies shelling solitude
and anti-grapevines hydrating bees.
All antinomies flourish
encased in jeans
ready to wear come what may.
There are no cots to deliver the fields
to emergency wards that may
patch up the agonies, make an incision
and remove skyscrapers.
Lands of labour have miscarried
and are cement square metres
reiterating antennas,
swapping air for prismas of beads
and the trees’ hurrah to Joy
for masts covered in soot.
Someone harnessed the yokes to twilight
and put the brakes on the seedlings
closing the doors
to the bloom of a day’s work,
having grown freely
loving epiphanies
may clattering teeth awaken.
They ration metaphors,
they summarise the prophecies,
clothe the citadels of reason
and do not kill by starvation.

Everything is in submission
bonded to produce percentages,
to build fetes and artifice,
to invoice paper cockles.
And the wheat crops,
the plough and the sickle,
the harvests,
may they all go to Hell.

Pedro García Cabrera

Mosco Quinteto


Mosco Quinteto was born in 2022 under the warm enthusiasm of Juan Carlos León “Mosco.” Mosco decided to launch this unique band of Canarian artists and musicians to revisit themes and works by various composers. This resulted in a repertoire that is as suggestive as it is eclectic, firmly situated within contemporary music.

Mosco Quinteto is associated with rhythms and melodies from around the world, including the balada, funk, jazz, pop, waltz, and swing. With over thirty years of experience on the stages of the most prestigious festivals and shows in the islands, as well as on the national scene, the members of Mosco Quinteto showcase their considerable talents along with an idea of music that melds the Atlantic and exotic feel of these islands located in the middle of three continents —a land undeniably influenced by many cultures.

Juan Carlos León “Mosco” – Saxophones, clarinet, and piano.
Felu Morales – Electric bass.
Arturo Alonso – Electric guitar.
Siddharta Dorta – Drums.
Mar Guiérrez Meneses – Vocals.